Hieronder vertellen klanten over hun ervaring met het werk van BureauTaal.
Gemeente Zwijndrecht
Sandra Vat
"Ik werk al 16 jaar voor de gemeente en heb in die tijd al vaker dit soort trainingen gevolgd. Maar dit is de eerste keer dat ik goede handvatten heb gekregen om er echt iets mee te gaan doen."
Kathrin Abelein, hoofd afdeling Kwaliteit:
Dear team,
I completed your course “writing in plain English - professional” and would like to provide my feedback. My first language is German, I love language and I usually use convoluted, colorful full, descriptive and detailed sentences ????
I am the head of the Quality department, my language at work is English, currently I am also learning the local language (Dutch). Your course helped me tremendously to be much more effective in my work.
With the background you provided at the beginning of the course I understood two things:
- The importance and the advantages of using plain English
- How difficult I made it for my team
This was an eye opener and incredibly useful,
Thanks so much,
Best regards